

MAMA BEACH RESIDENCE  and PPECO have been conducting beach cleanups for some months now, yet the plastic pollution and marine debris problem needs to be encouraged. Pollution is still found all over our beaches, is carried to the ocean through our watersheds, harms and kills marine life and has the ability to accumulate toxins in the ocean before entering the ocean food chain.

We  decided to take a new approach to tackling this issue by creating Original ECO GESTURE with the help of some local business.To rent a kayak will normally cost you100 baht per hour or 200 baht/3hours. But IF…During your canoe trip you manage to collect some garbage: Bottles, cans plastic bags or else, then Mama Beach will be happy to offer you the rent of the Kayak. Means FREE. So remember, it’s easy to participate: All you have to do is take a Kayak and go! You will be a Mama Beach volunteer for few hours and you will love it! Have a very nice trip to PP secret beaches.

Mama Beach and P.P.ECO TEAM

La location d’un kayak (1personne / canoë) est de 100bahts / heure ou 200/ 3heures.  MAIS si …Durant votre ballade en canoë vous avez l’occasion de ramasser sur l’eau ou sur les plages que vous visiterez, un peu de bouteilles ou de canettes  ou de sachets plastique,  Alors MAMA BEACH RESIDENCE et PPECO seront fiers et Heureux de vous offfrirla location de ce canoë. Rappelez vous seulement que le but de votre excursion est le plaisir la détente,  savourer tranquillement le temps sacre de vacances bien méritées. Aussi ce geste doit être facile pour vous et non astreignant.

Kayak project

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